Donation/Voluntary Membership Contribution
(For CSS Officers Only)
Funds to be used by CSS Forum for Betterment of service conditions of CSS Officers and elevate CSS.
All CSS Officers are members of CSS Forum.
CSS FORUM appeal all members to contribute/ donate generously to CSS FORUM which will be accounted as voluntary Membership Contribution. Such donated amount will directly go in to the CSS FORUM Bank account and will be used by CSS FORUM for its regular day to day activities for elevating CSS. Following are few activities being done by CSS FORUM at present:-
Calendar distribution at New Year.
Sending gifts/ Welcome Memento/ Bouquets to Senior Officers and Political executives who are well wishers of CSS fraternity.
Website Development/ Maintenance
Regular meetings with CSS officers.
- Welcome get together of Newly Joined ASOs.
Top Contributors
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Recent Donors!
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You can make an offline donation to CSS FORUM by Payee Cheque/ DD drawn in favor of the ‘CSS Forum’ payable at New Delhi or deposited directly in the Saving Bank Acct. No.65028593596 maintained at the State Bank of India at Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi (IFSC Code-SBIN0050203). Cheque/DD may be handed over to any office bearer of CSS Forum.