Voluntary Contribution for grand Celebrations on the occassion of 103rd Central Secretariat Service Day (CSS Day)
(For CSS Officers only)
Central Secretariat Service Forum (CSS Forum) requests your gracious presence on the occassion of 103rd CSS Day(1st October) at Bhim Auditorium, Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi.
Every year CSS Forum celebrates CSS Day (1st October) in the august presence of Central Ministers at Mavlankar Auditoritum. Hon’ble Prime Minister has been sending his blessings on the occasion through letter addressed to all CSS Officers. This year efforts are being made to seek Hon’ble Prime Minister’s convenience for the celebrations at Bhim Auditoritum.
Taking cue from earlier celebrations, the scale of Celebrations of 103rd CSS Day being augmented with bigger venue. CSS Forum appeal to all CSS Officers to contribute generously.

While donations, kindly use your @gov or @nic Email IDs to display on Donor dashboard.
Note:- All CSS Officers may kindly generously contribute more than their normal share of Rs.1000/-, specifically Under Secretary & above who may eagerly contribute Rs.2500+ for the cause towards strengthening CSS.
Thanks to all the contributors for the cause towards strengthening CSS & grand celebrations of CSS Day 2022.
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You can make an offline donation to CSS FORUM by Payee Cheque/ DD drawn in favor of the ‘CSS Forum’ payable at New Delhi or deposited directly in the Saving Bank Acct. No.65028593596 maintained at the State Bank of India at Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi (IFSC Code-SBIN0050203). Cheque/DD may be handed over to any office bearer of CSS Forum.