Contribute directly to family of deceased CSS Officer
Contribute For Family of
Late Shri Rahul Kumar, ASO, M/o Education
As you may be aware that our dear friend & Colleague Late Shri Rahul Kumar, Aged 29 Years left us for heavenly abode on 25.08.2022 after fighting Brain Tumour.
He belonged to Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh.
He was the sole bread earner of the family leaving behind his parents (in late 50s) and three younger siblings who are presently Studying (Brothers aged 25 years & 19 years and a Sister aged 21 years)
We all know that no words can bring comfort to the bereaved family or fill the void left due to the death. However, we all can pray for the salvation of the departed soul and provide suitable financial support to the family to make their arduous journey less difficult in years ahead.
We, CSS Forum, therefore appeal to all Friends, Families, Well Wishers, whole CSS Fraternity as well as all persons with philanthropic hearts to exhibit their generosity and magnanimity in making a suitable contribution to this noble and deserving cause.
Thank you to all donors, the cheque for the accumulated amount has been handed over to the bereaved family of the CSS Officer.
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You can make an offline donation to CSS FORUM by Payee Cheque/ DD drawn in favor of the ‘CSS Forum’ payable at New Delhi or deposited directly in the Saving Bank Acct. No.65028593596 maintained at the State Bank of India at Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi (IFSC Code-SBIN0050203). Cheque/DD may be handed over to any office bearer of CSS Forum.